The Smithy

Keep up to date with what’s happening at The Smithy on their Facebook page!

We are located in Balfour village within a minutes walking distance of the ferry terminal. We can sit around 28-30 people in the cafe and during the Summer there is a marquee and picnic benches in the garden so people and their dogs can enjoy the stunning views over the sea with our delicious food and drinks.

The Smithy Café, Restaurant & Bar was bought by the Shapinsay Development Trust in 2022 with funding from the Scottish Land Fund and a discount from the Orkney Islands Council. In 2023 it was renovated to a high standard with funding from The North Isles Landscape Partnership, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, OIC CDF and CARES. We opened on the 12th of July 2023 and are now nearly into our first full year , It has definitely been a learning curve as each Season affects how busy we are and opening hours and days do change regularly so please do keep an eye on our FB page. If you would like to hold private functions or book a table, please get in touch at or call 01856 711243.

We are a community run enterprise, run by volunteers, employing 20+ employees, many of which are local residents and under 18, this has given them a great stepping stone into Hospitality giving them skills and confidence to tackle the world of work as adults and provide employment for islanders and upskilling them where we can. On that note your patients would be greatly valued when visiting the Cafe, as it can get very busy at times and we are trying our very hardest to make your experience a pleasant one.

If you would like to make a booking please telephone 01856 711243 or email