Shapinsay Lunch Club

Shapinsay Lunch Club first met in December 1990 and has been meeting regularly during the past 29 years.
LC gained charity status in 1995 and, following on from a successful bid for Lottery funding, was able to purchase a new bus for the benefit of the club and the wider community. With the help of voluntary drivers the bus went on to serve the group for many years.

If you are over 50 and a current resident in Shapinsay we would love to welcome you to our Lunch Club. We first met in December 1990, gaining charity status in 1995.
Our objectives are: to promote health and wellbeing for the over 50s and persons with disabilities; to provide a fun and safe environment for people to meet and socialise with fellow islanders.
When and where
Meetings are held fortnightly during school term time in the Clubrooms from 12 till 3. The SDT can provide free collection of members to and from the club, if requested. One of the vehicles has disabled access. Either contact them directly, or speak to a committee member.
Prepared by the school kitchen staff, a two course meal costs £6.50 per person. Dietary requirements are happily catered for. All meals are ordered in advance so please contact a committee member if you would like to join us. We’d love to see you!
We offer an interesting and varied programme, including talks, quizzes, bingo, and board games. Member’s suggestions are always welcome.
Each week, after lunch, we hold our raffle. If possible each member brings a small prize. Tickets cost £1 per strip. Money goes into club funds to pay for our special events.
Special Event
The committee arranges trips (usually) to the Mainland during the school summer holidays. These involve a bus tour to a site of interest, and a pre-booked meal. We are hoping to start including cinema/theatre trips.
We hold a special Christmas meal with entertainment from the school children, and the local music club.

Lunch Club Committee
- Margaret Eunson
- Kate Fereday Eshete
- Gladys Gray
- Jean Noble
- Helen Jones
- Edith Tait