Community Centre
Shapinsay Community Association
Shapinsay Community Association manage the community centre for Orkney Islands Council. The Community Association’s main aims are to facilitate the running of a variety of groups and clubs for people of all ages on the island and to ensure the smooth running and upkeep of the facilities. This includes doing fundraising to achieve these aims.
The Community Association is made up of around 30 key holders from the various groups and clubs who use the facilities at the community side of the school. Each group who uses the building is asked to nominate a keyholder, who is then given a key and an induction and becomes a member of the Community Association.

The facilities we offer are:
The hall – The hall is our largest space and is shared with the school. This can be hired for one-off events such as concerts, sports activities, dances, weddings and parties. It has a badminton court, netball and football lines marked out on the floor. The kitchen facilities and stage can be made available for these events by prior arrangement. The hall also comprises our climbing wall which can also be booked. All climbers are required to have an induction.
The clubrooms – The clubrooms are versatile and can be used for a variety of activities such as meetings, coffee afternoons etc. The charge includes use of the attached servery kitchen. This room contains a pool table, piano, fridge and table tennis table which belong to the association, darts boards which belong to the Men’s Darts Club and an air hockey table which belongs to Youth Club. These should only be used if this has been agreed by prior arrangement.

The Music Room (also referred to as the playgroup room) –This is a smaller space useful for meetings or smaller gatherings. The toys stored in the room belong to playgroup and should only be used if this has been previously agreed by the playgroup committee.

The playing field and playpark are free and open to all. Shapinsay playpark committee are a sub-group of Shapinsay Community Association. The recent playpark upgrade, along with the installation of the new climbing wall, was made possible thanks to a funding application made on behalf of the Community Association.
The Healthy Living Centre – Information on the gym and its charges and opening times can be found on Facebook Shapinsay Healthy Living Centre.
Clubs and Groups
The Community Association facilitates the running of a variety of clubs and groups.
Clubs solely for children are not charged for the use of the facilities, similarly clubs for the over 50s also use the facilities free of charge. Clubs run by the community association do not pay a room charge but instead members are each asked to pay an individual fee.
All club and group times can be found on the Shapinsay Sound calendar or on our online calendar
There are a variety of clubs who meet regularly and all are open to attend:
- Music Group
- Climbing
- Football (5years+)
- Drawing
- Active Movers
We have also run bowls, badminton, netball and dancing in the past. We hope to restart these.
The following clubs are not run by the community association but use our facitilities.
- Lunch Club (50years+)
- Youth Club (Primary 4 – 18 years)
- Playgroup (8 and under)

If you are interested in attending any of these clubs have a look on the Shapinsay Facebook page, as the details of most clubs are regularly posted on there. If you cannot find the information then please contact Annette Kirkpatrick and she can put you in touch with the various keyholders who can give you more information. Similarly, if you would like to start up a new club please let us know and we will do what we can to facilitate this.
Annette is Chair of the Community Association. She can be contacted on 711311 or To make a booking please contact
The other Executive Committee members are Paul Evans (Vice chair), Alanna Leslie (Secretary), Marie Dunnett (Treasurer), Emma Clements (Buildings manager), Alison Meason.
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to approach any of us and we would be happy to answer them.