We are open every day from 9-1pm for enquiries, ebike hires, car service and more. Pop in and say hi, we love a visitor, we love to hear your ideas, your feedback and just to hear from you!
Would you like to be a member of Shapinsay Development Trust? It’s a great way to support the trust. There’s no time commitment expectations and you get your AGM papers in the post or by email! It means you can vote on any big decisions brought to the members at the AGM.
Membership is open to anyone resident in Shapinsay, who is 18 years of age or above and who supports the objectives of the Trust can be a member!
Membership is set at just £1 per household!
If you want a form or more information give us a shout! If you would like to become a director (you must be a member first), please email me on the address below for a form. These will be sent out to all members before the AGM.
You can download a membership form below and email it to: